Fishing Tackle Retailer magazine reporting from, a monthly service of Southwick Associates, which tracks consumer fishing and purchasing activities recently listed market share of fly reel manufactures. The results based on July 2008 data are
Pflueger 39.5%
Cabela's 19.3%
Orvis 15.2%
Redington 7.2%
Shakespeare 4.6%

I was surprised that the Pflueger was that far ahead as well. Although when you think about it, the Medalist 1400 series is like the Buck knife 110 folding hunter. Both have been around forever, shamelessly copied by all sorts of knock off companies, and in alot of cases, represent the image alot of people see when they close their eyes and picture a fly reel.
The vintage pre offshore medalists do have a very large and loyal following. Mostly I suspect, old geezers such as myself.
I wish I had nothing but vintage reels in my 401K instead of all the worthless stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. There is a lesson to be learned, indulge your fishing tackle habit.